Housing Our Neighbors

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Housing Our Neighbors


Housing Our Neighbors is a community group comprised of people experiencing homelessness, allies and advocates promoting the human right to housing. We are working to end homelessness in Baltimore City through access to permanent affordable housing for all.

We advance the right to housing through education, leadership development, direct actions, political advocacy, and grassroots community organizing. We practice consensus decision making and believe that every voice will be heard and respected.

Housing Our Neighbors started in November 2012 with a group of homeless neighbors, community activists, and students who worked together on National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. We were inspired by the solidarity, demonstration, and dedication we experienced during the National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week- Baltimore Sleepout 2012. Following the sleep-out, we committed ourselves and invited others to attend weekly meetings, in order to establish a community of activists dedicated to awareness, advocacy and action to end homelessness in Baltimore.

Housing, nutrition, health care, education and a living wage are essential human rights. Housing Our Neighbors will see an end to homelessness in Baltimore City through policies and practices that respect everybody’s right to these core values.

Facebook: @HousingOurNeighbors

Twitter: @HONBaltimore

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