Metropolitan Council on Housing

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Metropolitan Council on Housing

(212) 979-6238||

The Metropolitan Council on Housing is a tenants’ rights membership organization made up of New York City tenants who believe in our motto of “housing for people, not profit.” We formed 60 years ago to fights for a city where everyone has access to safe, decent, affordable housing. We organize tenants to stand up not only for their individual rights, but also for changes to our housing policies.

We serve the one million NYC households who are rent stabilized or regulated, particularly those who most vulnerable to displacement – working class and low-income New Yorkers.

We operate a number of tenant-assistance programs, run by our members, including a tenants’ rights telephone hotline and a walk-in clinic, which serve thousands per year and are free and open to any New York City tenant. We publish the city’s only monthly newspaper on the tenant movement, and produce a weekly radio show on housing issues.

Unlike most nonprofits, our model is mutual aid: tenants helping tenants. We encourage those who receive help from us to become active in our campaigns for housing justice. The integration of member-run services with our organizing reflects our belief that tenants most affected by our housing policies should and will be the driving force behind the changes that will make affordable housing a universal right, not a privilege.

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